Adolescence is said to be the time for experimenting and having adventures. Almost all teenagers try alcohol or drugs at some point in time. Several individuals do not develop problems. However, some can’t get rid of the danger of being addicted to such things easily. Unfortunately, they are always at risk of having serious concerns that is the result of the youthful experiments. Such issues are called as the substance-related disorders.Those who have access to drugs or alcohol can develop substance-related disorders.
But, some are at high risk. There are various factors that play a huge role for developing such problems. However, such factors may be modified quickly.Nevertheless, several factors can be modified instantly. Based from several studies, teenagers are more likely to have several issues because of feeling not being fit in the society, low self-esteem, and depression. Several factors also include cultural attitudes, family, and much more.
Peer pressure is also another factor, which affects the children and teenagers. In most cases, majority of kids want to live in the world where they belong. That is the reason why many teens end up feeling lost because they think that don’t really fit in their world. There are numerous reasons why several use drugs or alcohol. One of these reasons is to self-meditate. Almost all teens think that their concerns are already solved if they would take drugs or alcohol. That is why many teens consider these as the best resort. Though such things would offer teens that feeling, the results can lead to a much serious problem.